Counselling For Individuals

Are you struggling to cope in our challenging world?

Do you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks or depression?

Do you feel ‘lost’, without a sense of purpose or direction?

Do you have low self-esteem or lack confidence?

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed, worried or sad?

Do you often feel ‘not good enough’?

Perhaps it’s one or all of those things.

I’ve worked with many adults, helping them with a wide range of mental health issues and supporting them through difficult life experiences. The reality is that life can feel overwhelming at times and it can be difficult to see how you can move forward or make things better for yourself. You may feel stuck and resentful that you’re not living the life you really want to live. You may feel that you’re always trying to please others, even at your own expense, because you feel that your wants and needs do not matter as much as other people’s do. You may even alter your personality around others, feeling the need to present a certain face to the world because you feel constant pressure.

Pressure to be a good son or daughter, partner, brother, sister, employee etc. Pressure to be perfect and to follow social norms. How many people go through life thinking that they are not good enough, interesting or beautiful enough? Could it be that you’re afraid that if others saw you for who you truly are, that they would not like or accept you? Therapy can help you to find your authentic self, to help you to start to accept, like and value the person you truly are.

I also provide support and understanding for those of us who have suffered the loss of a beloved pet. Sometimes, friends, family or colleagues don’t quite understand how distressing pet loss can be and grieving for a pet can be a very lonely experience. I am here to listen with compassion and without judgement.

My Priority

My priority is to help you to the best of my ability; to understand you and the world in which you live and the responsibilities and anxieties that you may be trying to cope with.

My Aim

My aim is to help you to explore and understand your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and to consider and reflect on what keeps you in a place of unhappiness or distress.

My Hope

My hope is that you gain a better understanding and awareness of yourself, your feelings and your relationships, enabling you to move towards change.

I’m here to help when things may feel just too difficult.

© Tracey Peplow Counselling

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